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INTA Announces Recipients of Prestigious Volunteer Awards

22-Nov-2020 | Source : International Trademark Association (INTA) | Visits : 2076
NEW YORK - Recognizing the volunteer spirit that pervades its membership community, the International Trademark Association (INTA) has bestowed its President’s Award,  INTA Service Awards, and Tomorrow’s Leader Award for 2020 on individuals whose accomplishments stand out in the intellectual property (IP) field, according to the official website of the Association.

The global association of brand owners and professionals announced the winners of the prestigious awards during the past week at its Annual Meeting & Leadership Meeting, held virtually for the first time.

The two recipients of the President’s Award are attorneys Anna Carboni, London, United Kingdom, and Mladen Vukmir, Partner at Vukmir & Associates, Zagreb, Croatia.

Each year, the Association presents the President’s Award to an individual or individuals of a member organization who have, over the course of their careers, made a lasting impact on INTA and its mission and who have made a profound impact on the global trademark community.

Ms. Carboni has been a dedicated volunteer with INTA for more than 25 years. She was a member of INTA’s Board of Directors from 2012 to 2013, and more recently, in 2018 and 2019, she served as INTA’s Counsel, becoming the first practitioner from outside North America to hold that position at the Association.

During her career, Ms. Carboni has made significant contributions to IP law through several judicial and quasi-judicial appointments, including as an Appointed Person, hearing trademark appeals from the United Kingdom Intellectual Property Office.

Mr. Vukmir founded Vukmir & Associates in 1991. A volunteer with INTA on a staggering number of committees and project teams for more than two decades, he has held leadership positions that include  serving as a member of INTA’s Board of Directors from 2012 to 2014 and chairing the Brands and Innovation Committee during the 2018–2019 Committee Term.

Among his numerous accomplishments in Croatia, Mr. Vukmir has been appointed by the Government of the Republic of Croatia to serve as a member of the Board of Appeals for Patents and Topographies.

INTA’s Service Awards are given in three categories to recognize individuals and organizations that provide exemplary service to the Association.

INTA awarded the Advancement of Association Objectives Award to Anne Gilson LaLonde, Gilson on Trademarks, South Burlington, Vermont.  An attorney and active Association volunteer for 15 years, Ms. Gilson LaLonde has served as chair of INTA’s Legislation and Regulation Committee, United States Subcommittee (USLRC) since the beginning of 2020. As chair, she helps USLRC achieve its many objectives, including the review of all trademark legislation n the current 116th United States Congress.

The recipient of the 2020 INTA Membership Champion Award is Peter Sloane, Partner and Chair of the Trademark and Copyright Practice Group at Leason Ellis LLP, White Plains, New York, in recognition of his exceptional commitment to the Association.  Among his numerous efforts, Mr. Sloane, chair of INTA’s Law Firm Committee, has supported the Committee’s creativity in thinking outside the box to develop educational programming that would attract new audiences.

INTA bestowed the INTA Members for a Better Society Award to Fidus Law Chambers, a law firm in India for its outstanding initiatives relating to corporate social responsibility.  In the past year alone, the boutique IP firm found multiple ways to assist those in need, including delivering food and supplies to residents in local communities ravaged by riots and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, the Association recognized two outstanding professionals, practicing trademark law for five years or less, with its Tomorrow’s Leader Award: Aprajita Nigam, Managing Associate, LexOrbis, New Delhi, India; and Bita Kianian, Associate, Knobbe, Martens, Olson & Bear, LLP, Irvine, California.

“This year’s recipients of INTA’s prestigious awards are all exemplary volunteers. Each in their own way has shown tremendous commitment to the Association, the profession, and society, and their unbridled passion has helped advance our accomplishments as a community,” said INTA President Ayala Deutsch (NBA Properties Inc., New York).

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