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Register to attend ICANN's Draft ICANN FY24 Plans Informational Webinar

21-Nov-2022 | Source : The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) | Visits : 1788

LOS ANGELES - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) invites the ICANN community to participate in an informational webinar about the Draft FY24-28 Operating and Financial Plan, and Draft FY24 Operating Plan and Budget. Both webinars will present identical information, a press release stated by ICANN.

The five-year Operating and Financial Plan articulates the feasibility and timing of activities and milestones identified to achieve the objectives and goals set forth in the Strategic Plan. This plan is intended to serve as a comprehensive view of activities that ICANN org is undertaking, or will undertake, in support of the Strategic Plan and to carry out ICANN's mission in the public interest over the next five years. The Annual Operating Plan and Budget provides an overview of how ICANN will carry out its mission in the public interest over the next fiscal year, by defining and describing ICANN's planned activities in FY24, and the anticipated funding sources and levels.

During the webinars, ICANN org will present information for the community to gain a deeper awareness and understanding of the draft plans. Webinar attendees will also have the opportunity to ask questions about the draft plans.


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